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Jazz Album

Enrico Pieranunzi Soft Journey Quintet - Umbria Jazz Festival 2008

Enrico Pieranunzi "Soft Journey" Quintet

Umbria Jazz Festival 2008

Recorded at Teatro Morlacchi, Perugia (Italy)
on friday 18th July 2008

Enrico Pieranunzi, pianoforte.
Bert Joris, trumpet.
Rosario Giuliani, saxophones.
Enzo Pietropaoli, double bass.
Fabrizio Sferra, drums.

This is another set dedicated to Chet Baker, whom Pieranunzi recorded
"Soft Journey" with in 1979, now reissued

FM radio broadcast by "I concerti del mattino", Radio3 RAI, on sunday
10 August 2008, 11.52 hours. And this should be one of the very few recordings
from Umbria Jazz 2008 that does NOT have any broadcast skips!

Enrico Pieranunzi Soft Journey Quintet - Umbria Jazz Festival 2008

(fm radio broadcast of radio3 rai, august 10, 2008)

1. Nightbird (I) 5'08"
2. introduction by Pieranunzi 1'23"
3 Soft Journey 14'03"
4. introduction by Pieranunzi 1'16"
5. Nightbird (reworked) 10'25"
6 Chet 16'06"
7. introduction by Pieranunzi 1'05"
8 From E to C 11'58"
9. radio announcements 0'37"

running time 62'02"

이것은 Chet Baker에게 바쳐진 또 다른 세트인데,

Pieranunzi1979년에 Soft Journey를 레코딩하였던 것을 재발행한 것이다.

20088 10일 일요일, 11.52. Radio3 RAI,FM 라디오는'I concerti del mattino'를 방송하였다.

그리고 이것은 어떠한 방송도 하지 않은2008 Umbria Jazz로부터 극소수 녹음들 중의 하나일 것이다.

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